Lorem runt.

A space for philosophical me, ranting me. Me, me, me.
Currently consuming
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Glow by Rebuke - My mind short circuits listening to this - in a good way-
📱 Layze Youtube Channel - The humour is dark and lovely - iykyk-
ABC Area Handbook Series: Nepal and Bhutan - Some of Nepal history on some Netflix type shi -
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Tell me, who I am 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Ha, how I wish I knew. I'm pretty proud of my psedonym (pronounced nth - as in x ⁿ (to the nth power) its a reference to my status as a third culture kid and my educational background in physics (and hence a lot of math). So I can narrow down my identity to me being "confused" about my cultural background and the degree I stubbornly chose when I was 17... great. This site is an exercise in finding myself beyond that. I am the specimen. More in the note :me.html.